Bandwidth Reduction in Video Surveillance Cameras

Arecont Vision is adding a feature across its megapixel cameras.
The US firm says that SNAPstream (Smart Noise Adaption and Processing) reduces the bandwidth and storage requirement for its megapixel cameras - for many of those already installed, besides new models. Its cameras are based on the comapny's in-house developed Massively Parallel Image Processing (MPIP) architecture, which runs on a company-designed circuit board with a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) integrated circuit. Some 140 models of the megapixel cameras across the sing- and multi-sensor product families now either come with SNAPstream bandwidth reduction, or can be upgraded. MPIP also provides cyber-security, Arecont Vision adds. Its cameras do not use embedded common operating systems like Linux or Windows. The MPIP architecture replaces the need for a commodity functions; it doesn't buy code or pre-loaded ASIS chips with those from third parties. This eliminates the risk of coding being interjected unknowingly, the firm says.