Arecont Vision Project Registration Program Offers Liberal Discounts for Project Registration

Project registration programs benefit manufacturers provide to systems integrators and security dealers who are bidding on an upcoming installation project. In effect, the integrator registers a project he or she is bidding on with a manufacturer, which offers pricing discounts to that integrator for that specific project. Such a program seeks to encourage an integrator to specify a manufacturer's products while making it more difficult for a competing integrator to bid lower on a project (because they do not have access to the discount).
Megapixel camera manufacturer Arecont Vision has one of the most generous product registration programs in the security marketplace, offering substantial discounts beyond the norm among other manufacturers. To find out more about the company’s project registration system for systems integrators and security dealers, we interviewed Scott Schafer, Executive Vice President of Arecont Vision. Following is that discussion. Project registration is offered by many manufacturers in the security industry. Some say these programs are all similar and of limited practical value to a systems integrator or security dealer. How is Arecont Vision’s Project Registration Program different?
Scott Schafer: Arecont Vision’s Project Registration Program is very different from competitor programs. We believe that the systems integrator/dealer who registers a project has done valuable work with the end-user customer in defining the project requirements and determining the best possible solution. Many systems integrators do migration plans, job walks, demonstrations, proof-of-concept, and pilots. We reward that effort by providing the systems integrator/dealer with a significantly enhanced discount. The additional discount is typically 25 to 30 percent off normal purchase price from an Authorized Distributor.
Significantly, only the initial registrant and distributor receive the project registration discount, except in a very few exceptions such as when the end-user customer requires multiple installers in various geographies and advises Arecont Vision of that fact. How do integrators and dealers benefit?
Schafer: The Arecont Vision program protects systems integrators and dealers from last-minute competitors through this extra discount, at a time when most dealers selling security products are concerned with declining margins. The enhanced discount allows the registering systems integrator/dealer and the authorized distributor to earn more margin on the project while offering an even better price to their customer. This model is unique to the Arecont Vision Project Registration Program.
“The additional discount is typically 25 to 30 percent off normal purchase price from an Authorized Distributor” |
Most competitor programs have common issues; for example, multiple systems integrators/dealers often get the same discount for any registration project. This means that the integrator who did the initial work isn’t rewarded for it; all who register to get the same or very similar discount. And these “special prices” are usually only 2 to 5 percent better than contracted prices.
Often this can also cause conflict for programs that have multiple levels of partnership, where a lower level program member can get a few points of extra discount that matches the discount available to a higher-level program member. This negatively impacts margins for systems integrators, dealers, and distributors.
Other issues include minimum deal sizes often required or strongly suggested in competitor programs. Another common complaint we hear is that the submission and approval process can be complicated and take days or weeks to get a decision from a competitor. The deal may already be lost before the approval comes through in those situations. These issues are eliminated with the Arecont Vision program. How long do registrations take to be issued, and how long are they good for?
Schafer: Approvals for projects that don’t require additional information are issued within 24 hours, and often approved in two hours the same day. Unless otherwise noted, registrations are in effect until 60 days after the “Estimated Close Date” entered for the project. When necessary, registration can be extended upon request. Can any systems integrator/dealer register a project?
Schafer: Any authorized systems integrator/dealer can participate in the Arecont Vision Project Registration system. How does a systems integrator/dealer become authorized to sell Arecont Vision products?
Schafer: It is quick and easy for a systems integrator/dealer to participate in the Arecont Vision Channel Partner Program.
First, they sign up online at (Click on Partners and “Become a Channel Partner”). The required form is short and, once completed, the systems integrator/dealer will be taken to the online Partner Portal. The portal contains links to the registration system, a link to a video explaining how to use the registration system, plus links to Arecont Vision University channel partner training, design tools, the Technical Assistance Center, and other useful things. What is the registration process?
Schafer: The entire registration process for an individual deal or project is online.
Arecont Vision authorized distributors to participate in the project registration program worldwide. |
Project registration requestors use the Partner Portal. Each requires sufficient information to provide Arecont Vision sales management with an understanding of the project scope and requirements. Once the application is completed, a project registration number is issued, available for review on the online dashboard with current registration status. Only Arecont Vision and the registering systems integrator/dealer can view the dashboard.
An email confirming that the registration request has been received by Arecont Vision is issued and may be followed up with another or phone contact if any clarifications are required.
Once the registration has been approved (or declined), the dashboard is automatically updated and a confirming email sent to the systems integrator/dealer. Many manufacturers have minimum size requirements for project registrations. Is the Arecont Vision registration program only for big project opportunities?
Schafer: There is no minimum order size required for Arecont Vision project registrations. We encourage authorized systems integrators/dealers to register their projects to ensure the best possible pricing for them, their authorized distributor, and for the end-user customer. Is project registration available outside the United States and Canada?
Schafer: Yes. Arecont Vision authorized distributors to participate in the project registration program worldwide.
Systems integrators and dealers can log into the Partner Portal on the Arecont Vision website 24/7 and register new projects or review their existing registrations, regardless of their location. Have systems integrators and dealers responded well to the Project Registration Program?
Schafer: Absolutely. We poll a representative sample of our authorized systems integrator and dealers each month on how we are doing with product innovations, reliability, pricing, support, and on project registration. We use that feedback to make our products, programs, and support better.